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Tullycraft - Superboy and Supergirl (1996)

Actualizado: 8 abr 2021

Artista: Tullycraft

Tema: "Superboy and Supergirl"

Álbum: Old Traditions, New Standards

Fecha de lanzamiento: 1996

País: EE.UU (Seattle, Washington)

Género: Indie Pop / Twee Pop


"Superboy and Supergirl"

Superboy, Supergirl

Oh, I've got a question for your Superworld

What gets you through?

Who gets you past?

And how do you, fly so fast?

Oh, is it the fame?

Cause everybody knows, who you are?

Well, it can't be the same

Cause I hear you're from outer space, pretty far

Superboy's got his problems

And Girl's got her hang-ups

And I know that it can't be easy to be

Superboy in a messed up world, these days

Or a Supergirl in a thankless world, these days

Superboy, Supergirl

Oh, I've got a question for your Superworld

What gets you through?

Who gets you past?

And how do you, fly so fast?

Oh, is it the fame?

Cause everybody knows, who you are?

Well, it can't be the same

Cause I hear you're from outer space, pretty far

Superboy's got his problems

And Girl's got her hang-ups

And I know that it can't be easy to be

Superboy in a messed up world, these days

Or a Supergirl in a thankless world, these days

Bu-bu-bup, bu-bu-bup

Bu-bu-bup, bu-bu-bup

Bu-bu-bup, bu-bu-bup

I said, "Please don't let them get you down

Because you're the only superheroes in our town"

I said, "Please don't let them get you down

Because you're the only superheroes in our town"

I said, "Please don't let them get you down

Because you're the only superheroes in our town"

I said, "Please don't let them get you down

Because you're the only superheroes in our town"

I said, "Please don't let them get you down

Because you're the only superheroes in our town"

I said, "Please don't let them get you down

Because you're the only superheroes in our town"



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