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Tom Smith - Rorschach Love (2009)

Actualizado: 8 abr 2021

Intérprete: Tom Smith

Tema: Rorschach Love

Álbum: The Fump Volume 14

Año: 2009

País: EE.UU (Ann Arbor, Michigan)

Género: Balada Pop / Filk Music

Tom Smith es un cantautor de Ann Arbor, Michigan, que se inició en la comunidad musical filk.

"Rorschach" es un antihéroe ficticio coprotagonista del aclamado comic de Alan Moore y Dave Gibbons, "Watchmen", publicado por DC Comics entre 1986 y 1987. Rorschach fue creado por el guionista de Watchmen, el escritor Alan Moore, junto con el dibujante Dave Gibbons.


"Rorschach Love"

Saw a dog carcass in the alley this morning,

Tire tread on burst stomach...

Thought of you,

The sewers clot with blood from the corruption

And human filth, but I'm not...

Feeling blue.

Some people ask, "Who watches the Watchmen?"

Well, watching you was all I had to do

In your face I can see me -- well, psychologically,

Rorschach, I love you.

I never thought I'd find someone who understands so well

Just how cruel... life can be.

Who will drop the commie liberals down elevator shafts

With their heroin and child pornography.

The whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"

And you will whisper "No",

And that simple vicious thought gets me so darn frickin' hot,

Rorschach, I love you so.

You're a reflection of society,

All the passion that we can feel

How I love your sense of justice

And your trench-coated buns of steel.

They say they'll get you someday, you're a crazy outlaw mask,

But it's me... who's been caught.

They'll never understand, and I hope someday you'll ask

Me to score... your inkblot.

And even if we're facing Armageddon,

It doesn't matter what they do,

Atom bomb or giant squid, here's looking at you, kid,

Rorschach, I'll always love you.

I knew it from the start, you've grappling-gunned my heart,

Rorschach, I love you.





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