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The Scaffold - Goodbat Nightman (1998)

Actualizado: 23 jun 2022

Banda: The Scaffold

Tema: "Goodbat Nightman"

Álbum: The Very Best of The Scaffold

Año: 1998

País: Inglaterra

Género: Pop Rock Experimental

Duración: 02:15

"The Scaffold" fue un grupo musical, comediante y poético originario de Liverpool (Inglaterra). Eran tres los integrantes, uno de ellos era Mike McGear, pero su nombre real es Peter Michael McCartney, hermano de Paul McCartney, otro era el poeta Roger McGough y por último John Gorman, artista de cómic.


"Goodbat Nightman"

God bless all policemen and fighters of crime

The thieves go to jail for a very long time

They had a hard day helping clean up the town

They hang from the mantle these both upside down

A glass of warm blood and then straight up the stairs...

Batman and Robin are saying the hurse...

(Batman & Robin:)

God bless Superman and Superwoman!

Aquaman and Aquawoman!

Ironman and Ironwoman!

Spiderman and Spiderwoman!

Plasticman and Plasticwoman!

Crazyman an-


Be - be - Batman...


Yes Robin?


Was there ever a Batwoman?


There was once, boy wonder, a long time back


Where is she now?


I'm afraid she's no longer with us...

(Robin:) mean...?


Yes, she up there in the great balthory up there in the sky...


Holy sti-batwoman...what happened?


She rather foolishly got in the way of the Batmobile






Gosh, why didn't I think of that?

They locked all the doors and they put out the bat


They put on the bat-jarmers

*We like doing that!*

Filled the bat-waterbottles, made the bat-beds

With 2 springy bat-rasses for sleepy bat-heads

They're closing their eyes and they're counting black sheep...

Batman and Robin are falling asleep...

(door opens)


W-where are you going Batman?


The bedroom!



(door closes)





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