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The Mountain Goats - Song for Ted Sallis (2018)

Tema: Song for Ted Sallis

Álbum: Hex of Infinite Binding

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2018

País: EE.UU (Durham, Carolina del Norte)

Género: Alternativo / Indie

Dr. Ted Sallis es "Man-Thing", un personaje publicado por Marvel Comics. Creado por los escritores Stan Lee, Roy Thomas, Gerry Conway y el artista Gray Morrow. Apareció publicado por primera vez en Savage Tales #1 (mayo de 1971).

Man-Thing es una criatura humanoide, grande, empático, monstruo del pantano del Everglades de Florida cerca de reserva Seminole y la ciudad ficticia de Citrusville en el Condado de Cypress.


"Song for Ted Sallis"

Into the source of a squall

I inevitably fall

Toward the well-spring of all agony

Shuffling endlessly

Whether or not it was always going to be this way

It only mattered yesterday

No skin like the skin you woke up in

No skin like the skin you woke up in

Up from the earth and the clay

Melting away

Never lose enough to find my form

Trudge through the storm

Wait in hope

For some as yet undiscovered isotope

No skin like the skin you woke up in

No skin like the skin you woke up in

When at last

The die gets cast

Read the numbers out loud

With your head bowed

Try to find a face to focus on

But the memory's gone

Wherever my former self went

It was an accident

Try to picture him in my mind's eye

Say goodbye

No skin like the skin you woke up in

No skin like the skin you woke up in

Compositor: John Darnielle





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