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The Motion Sick - Aquaman's Lament (2010)

Actualizado: 23 mar 2021

Tema: Aquaman's Lament

Álbum: Novelty Songs: Volume One

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2010

País: EE.UU (Boston)

Género: Country / Folk

Esta canción country tiende a minimizar todas las grandes cualidades de Aquaman y se centra en su capacidad de comunicarse con la vida marina, pero todo con buen humor, en nombre de las buenas risas. Es un monólogo de Aquaman que nos cuenta sobre la vida secreta de los peces, mientras que se compara con las capacidades y poderes que tienen los otros superhéroes.


"Aquaman's Lament"

Superman can fly and stop a speeding bullet

Batman's got gadgets

And crime-solving machines

The Flash runs so fast

He can catch a falling baby

I can talk to some fish

Yeah, I'll go have a chat with some fish

Spiderman spins webs and always senses danger

The hulk can break through 100 ton steel beams

Iron Man's suit can defeat a whole army

I can talk to some fish

Yeah, I'll go have a chat with some fish

Fish, Fish, Fish

Fish are really boring

They complain about the weather and they never fall asleep

Fish, Fish, Fish

Don't have any feelings

They can't turn their heads

Won't make eye contact with me with me

Captain America is a super soldier

Thor is a magic Norse God

Wolverine heals faster than he's injured

I can talk to some fish

Yeah, I'll go have a chat with some fish

Fish, Fish, Fish

Fish are really boring

They complain about the weather and they never fall asleep

Fish, Fish, Fish

Don't have any feelings

They can't turn their heads

Won't make eye contact with me with me



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