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The Corps! - The Island (2018)

Actualizado: 21 mar 2021

Banda: The Corps!

Tema: The Island

Álbum: Tales from 2814

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2018

País: Canadá (Vancouver)

Género: Punk Melódico

El tema está dedicado a Green Arrow (Flecha Verde), superhéroe publicado por DC Comics. Creado por Mort Weisinger y diseñado por George Papp, apareció por primera vez en More Fun Comics #73 en noviembre de 1941. Su nombre real es Oliver Jonas Queen, un empresario adinerado y propietario de Industrias Queen que también es una celebridad muy conocida en Star City.

Versión acústica en vivo:


"The Island"

Watch the sand,

fall from this shaking hand,

my stomach turns,

broken on desolate land,

a bow, I'll have to learn how to fight,

and your voice,

well it could shatter the night

Well I know that I can't walk on water,

but I'll find a way off of this rock,

it was you that splintered this arrow,

the path is all I got

I can see what now my life should be,

I have changed,

so now will Star City,

but there's good in only just but a few,

and he's gone,

the man you thought you once knew

Well I know that I can't walk on water,

but I'll find a way off of this rock,

it was you that splintered this arrow,

the path is all I got,

the path is all I got,

the path is all I got

*Portada intervenida a modo ilustrativo por: Mr Ñato




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