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The Corps! - Rann Thanagar Wars (2018)

Actualizado: 21 mar 2021

Banda: The Corps!

Tema: Rann Thanagar Wars

Álbum: Tales From 2814

Año: 2018

País: Canadá (Vancouver)

Género: Punk

"Rann-Thanagar War" fue una mini-serie publicada en DC Comics en 2005, escrito por Dave Gibbons con arte de Ivan Reis. La guerra titular entre los planetas Rann y Thanagar se produjo después de que este último fuera transportado al sistema Vega. Fue parte de la Crisis Infinita más grande e involucró a varios héroes, en particular Adam Strange y Hawkman.


"Rann Thanagar Wars"

I could give a shit who owns this holy

land that you both claim,

and that you hold on to this

broken ideology and family name

As you're lacing up your boots

know that this day could be your last,

tell me was it fucking worth it,

your pride mirroring a toxic past

Don't live up to these stains,

no one wants the apocalypse,

step back from this parade,

if you're there, you're a part of it

I hope that the last thing you see when

the dust clears is your children grasping for breath,

you made up your mind when you choked

out all reason and passionately followed death,

to occupy illegally, isn't that what's called an act of war,

the needles and pins agree, we've been sitting on this way too long,

we all will have apologizes when the evil finally shows his face,

and life changing realities, like the fact the we're just one race

Don't live up to these stains,

no one wants the apocalypse,

step back from this parade,

if you're there, you're a part of it,

No winners here,

just pain and tears,

bless helping hearts that make barricades,

it's all our fight,

bright day,

black night,

no win in sight... but we might

*Portada intervenida a modo ilustrativo por: Mr Ñato





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