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The Corps! - Killing Joke (2016)

Actualizado: 8 abr 2021

Banda: The Corps!

Tema: Killing Joke

Álbum: In Blackest Night

Año: 2016

País: Canadá (Vancouver)

Género: Punk Melódico

The Killing Joke (La Broma Asesina), es una novela gráfica publicada por la editorial DC Comics en 1988, escrita por Alan Moore, dibujada por Brian Bolland y coloreada por John Higgins.

El comic cuenta sobre El Joker que ha escapado nuevamente del Asilo Arkham, dispuesto a demostrar que las personas no están tan lejos de su locura. Que solo hay un día de diferencia entre ellos y él. Pues solo se necesita un mal día para convertir al mejor de los hombres en un demente.

Video en vivo - Acústico (2020):


"Killing Joke"

I'm being placed in a seat, but, tell me, just how did I get here,

a couple flashes pass, I try to hold one, but, it is not clear,

the one thing that I know is waking up inside of me,

it touches my stomach , I'm pretty sure it won't be set free?,

just don't be shocked when I am locked up, you won't find a key

And a knock comes late at night, the devil plain in sight,

I see the tears in your eyes as I fade,

And after what he did to you, and with nothing I could do,

the film keeps playing over in my head.

The ride is almost through, I curl up and wait for the ending,

I wonder if he's thinking 'when he gets free, where will he send me?'

The truth is I am glad he wasted so much time on this,

he took a shot at two targets, this one, he surely will miss,

I may be going mad, but revenge, will turn into bliss,

And a knock comes late at night, the devil plain in sight,

I see the tears in your eyes as I fade,

And after what he did to you, and with nothing I could do,

the film keeps playing over in my head.

Over in my head. over in my head...



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