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The Corps! - Blackest Night (2018)

Actualizado: 13 abr 2022

*Portada intervenida a modo ilustrativo por: Mr Ñato

Banda: The Corps!

Tema: Blackest Night

Álbum: Tales from 2814

Año: 2018

País: Canadá (Vancouver)

Género: Punk

Duración: 02:01

"Blackest Night" (La noche más oscura) es un crossover de cómics publicado en las series mensuales de Green Lantern, editadas por DC Comics, escrita por Geoff Johns. "La Noche Más Oscura" continúa la tetralogía de Linterna Verde que comenzó con "Linterna Verde: Renacimiento" y la "Guerra de los Sinestro Corps", culminando finalmente con "El Día Más Brillante". El argumento se reveló en la conclusión de la "Guerra de los Sinestro Corps".


"Blackest Night "

As the dirt, hits the ground,

I was lost and then found,

by the truth I now hold in my hand,

I've been told that the taste will increase even after the feast,

here I come so sleep tight in this blackest of nights

I have rose just to find, to take back,

what is mine, you can run, you can fly,

but the end, it is nigh,

did you feel deaths embrace,

this invite on Sues face,

come with me and take part as I digest your heart

It's hard not picking at these open sores (the dead shall rise),

like how all fools meet their demise (the dead shall rise),

the bleeding cracks the walls of Jericho (the dead shall rise),

the dead shall rise





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-Mister Ñato

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