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The Amazing Kill-O-Watts - Aquaman (2002)

Actualizado: 21 mar 2021

Tema: Aquaman

Álbum: The Terror of Technology

Año: 2002

País: EE.UU (Peoria, Illinois)

Género: Power Pop / Punk Melódico

"The Amazing Kill-O-Watts" son:

Marsha Kill-O-Watt: Bajo y voz

Tyson Kill-O-Watt: Guitarra y voz

Laura Kill-O-Watt: Guitarra y coros

Atomic Kill-O-Watt: Batería y coros

Parte de la letra dice:

Well he's a blast from the past that won't be the last,

To be the one that is the champion,

He's not batman, he's not superman,

He's AQUAMAN, he keeps it real,

as real as steel, he's the raw deal!!



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