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Plankton Dada Wave - Superheroes made in Japan vs. Supervillains made in Japan (2014)

Tema: Superheroes made in Japan vs. Supervillains made in Japan

Álbum: Haus of Dada by

Fecha de lanzamiento: Abril de 2014

País: Varese (Italia)

Género: New Wave / Post Punk

Duración: 04:07



"Superheroes made in Japan vs. Supervillains made in Japan"

We are the new heroes from city of Tokyo

We wear new masks and old kimonos

We’re Fausto Big-t and MR. Stono

Mazula 2000 is our roboto

Akira Drogato he comes from Kyoto

Is evil and crazy he’s got Yoko Ono

Cyber Bukato his super-Roboto

He’s got many plans to conquest the world oh no!

Superheroes made in Japan

Supervillans made in Japan

Superheroes made in Japan

Supervillans made in Japan


Ooooh, ooooh

Ooooh, ooooh

Ooooh, ooooh

Ooooh, ooooh

The heros in da pub are drinking beer Asahi

When they see the sushi signal shining in the sky

They pick up their weapons get ready to fight

Mazula roboto riding in the night

Drogato and Bukato are attacking Hokkaydo

With laser and rockets and White Bombato

Mazula destroys him powered by Nintendo

The justice has won domo arigato








Superheroes made in Japan

Supervillans made in Japan

Superheroes made in Japan

Supervillans made in Japan





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