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Passion Party - Nerd Circus (2015)

Artista: Passion Party

Tema: Nerd Circus

Álbum: Bored Games

País: EE.UU (Seattle, Washington)

Año: 2015

Género: Rap / Hip Hop

Duración: 05:28

Como anticipa ya desde su título, el tema de Passion Party, "Nerd Circus", está dedicado a los fanáticos del coleccionismo y a la cultura geek en general, y en la letra de la canción podremos encontrar todo tipo de nombres y referencias a esos mundos.


"Nerd Circus"


I’ve grown as a man

With my future in hand

A great job with benefits

Plus a retirement plan

Yet nostalgia never fails

To inspire on demand

Igniting this nerd fire, buying trend

I saved up my allowance for the G1

Releases as a kid,

Now it's masterpieces

I’m never late on paying the rent

I used to watch the cartoon

While laying in bed

And when told to, “go to sleep!”

I’d VHS tape it instead

I’m just enticed

‘Cause their designs are priceless

You call ‘em toys

To me they’re collector's items

Bumble-Bee humbles me

As SkyWarp flies

And WideScope’s eye

Targets Optimus Prime

Just when the Autobots

Thought they could escape

I let SoundWave’s BASS

Topple their pride

Next in, the Dinobots

Slag, Sludge, Grimlock,

Snarl, and Swoop are

More than meets the price


[Sample: What, what, what would I do?]

Without these Autobots and Decepticons?

[Sample: What, what, what would I do?]

If Optimus didn't have me to help defeat Megatron?

[Sample: What, what, what would I do?]

If I left 'em to collect dust and fall with Cybertron

[Sample: What, what, what would I do?]

I’d probably short circuit

And quit this NERD CIRCUS…



I’ve grown as a man

With my future in hand

A great job with benefits

Plus a retirement plan

Yet nostalgia never fails

To inspire on demand

Igniting a nerd fire, buying trend

The snap of the blocks

I remember so clearly

Not following instructions

Constructing was just enough

The applause from my mom

Was quite endearing

But if you saw what I’d built

You’d say, “that's nothin’ much"

Nowadays I collect

Japanese Nanoblocks

My first was a Panda

My latest a Shark

I've got a whole zoo now

With no shame

And the same goes

For my hardcore collection

Of Star Wars Legos

When the dark side's in a crunch

My Tie Fighter’s tight in the clutch

My AT-AT stomps

With a motorized payload

The intricacies of the pieces

Increases the thesis

That building them’s a reason

For me to stay home


[Sample: What, what, what would I do?]

Without these hand-built creations covering my shelves?

[Sample: What, what, what would I do?]

To expand imagination, creativity and skill?

[Sample: What, what, what would I do?]

When bored, all alone with nothing to build?

[Sample: What, what, what would I do?]

I’d probably hit the dirt and just,

Quit this NERD CIRCUS…



I’ve grown as a man

With my future in hand

A great job with benefits

Plus a retirement plan

Yet nostalgia never fails

To inspire on demand

Igniting a nerd fire, buying trend

It’s the artwork that got me

With each every copy

Visits to the comic store

Were a weekend hobby

With storyboards galore

I’d sneak in softly

From ceiling to floor

Their collection was ungodly

I'd “Marvel"

At the talent

From Erik Larsen

And extensively study

The art of

Todd McFarlane

Now X-Force, X-Men,

Wolverine, and Spawn

And Incredible Hulk

Issues hang in my apartment

As far as DC goes

I was never much of a fan

But Frank Miller and Neal Adams

Both drew a mean Batman

From the last to the first print,

Vintage editions

I keep ‘em unread, boxed up

In mint condition..


[Sample: What, what, what would I do?]

If I didn't own each, sealed, locked in my safe?

[Sample: What, what, what would I do?]

If I didn’t know some heroes never rocked a cape?

[Sample: What, what, what would I do?]

Without these characters to help me escape?

[Sample: What, what, what would I do?]

I’d probably write more verses

And quit this NERD CIRCUS..


Escrito por Tim Stiles

Producida por J. Lee Mezus

Todos los arreglos de Tim Stiles

Arte de Richard Lim y Michael Luttmer





¡Bienvenidos a "Comics on the Rock"! 

Este es un espacio pensado y dedicado exclusivamente a compartir y divulgar canciones, discos y videos, dónde distintas bandas e intérpretes de alguna u otra forma, dedican sus temas al maravilloso mundo del comic.

Cabe aclarar que todo el material expuesto en este espacio está extraído de distintos sitios de internet, tanto textos, datos, audios, imágenes y videos. 
¡¡¡Espero que lo lo disfruten!!!

-Mister Ñato

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