top of page the Earth Tone King y 2 Hungry BrosTema: Daredevil for Dummies (2016)

Tema: Daredevil for Dummies (Man Without Fear)

EP: Daredevil for Dummies (Man Without Fear)

Año: 2016

País: New York (EE.UU)

Género: Hip Hop / Rap

Duración: 03:22

El tema está dedicado a Daredevil (Matthew Michael "Matt" Murdock), superhéroe publicado por Marvel Comics. Daredevil fue creado por el escritor y editor Stan Lee y el artista Bill Everett, con una cantidad no especificada de aportes de Jack Kirby. El personaje apareció por primera vez en Daredevil #1 (abril de 1964) en la Edad de Plata de los cómics. La influencia del escritor y artista Frank Miller en el título a principios de la década de 1980 consolidó al personaje como una parte popular e influyente del Universo Marvel. Daredevil es comúnmente conocido con el apodo de "El hombre sin miedo".

Increíbles productores de Hip Hop, desde 1985, los 2 Hungry Bros, inseparables, encontraron 2 elementos que mantuvieron fuerte su amistad, la comida y la música. Pasaron de "crate diggers" (obsesivos buscadores de discos) a Dj's Residentes en el Nuyorican Poet's cafe en 2005 y al dúo de producción más funk del Hip Hop independiente. Desde entonces, los dos han producido canciones exclusivas para los artistas Homeboy Sandman, Fresh Daily, the Earthtone King, Likwuid, 8thw1. the Earthtone King evoca al clásico John Romita JR. imágenes en sus letras para enfatizar el núcleo del personaje de Matt Murdock establecido por escritores como Frank Miller, Brian Michael Bendis y Mark Waid. En la canción, se dirige a Battling Jack Murdock primero, y el accidente en segundo lugar, porque la relación padre/hijo es un componente crucial para el personaje de Matt Murdock.

Letra: Pso the Earthtone King

Música: 2 Hungry Bros

Mezclado y masterizado por: Willie Green


"Daredevil for Dummies (Man Without Fear)"

Hells kitchen on fire

(That's Murder)

Let me first tell you the story of Matt Murdock

Dad was a boxer,

Battlin Jack

Had a Left hook swing like a battling axe

Matter of fact

the Good man told his son

Lil man when you fall you gotta

get back up!

He couldn't foresee his son was gonna

hit that truck

Get bad luck

But wait Getting ahead of myself

Battlin Jack had pride wouldn't settle for wealth

Mixed up with gangsters had to settle the debt

So that night

Told him if he hold his life

When he fights Crusher Creel he had to Throw that fight

But he didn't

His pride and he strapped for cash

Hit the bookie bet his money on himself and dashed

Little Matt came home

Saw Cops and red

All for revenge Jack Murdock was dead


Tell me now what you made of..


Tell me now what you made of..


Please tell me loud and clear

What scares a man without fear?

{Daredevil} "Father, why do I still feel Guilty?"

Sad admit

It gets Worse

after this

Matt gets hit

A close

Car accident

Smashed a ditch

His eyeball scratched and ripped

He can't see shit

Chemicals splashed in it

Passionate, Matthew

Murdock's Soul

He is all blind now but He still has hope

Cost of life

even though he Lost his sight

He remembers his Dad never lost a fight

Darkest night

He smells things longer, how?

Seems that his other senses are stronger now

Murdocks Touch,

taste , hear and smell

He can sense everything in kitchen of hell

Then the blind man Stick, he's old and wild

Teaches Matt Ninja fighting styles

Night is wild

Black Mask

Face is mean

Time for the Daredevil to take the streets


A pilgrimage

a crime Lord who

Kills for risk

A Criminal Kingpin named Wilson Fisk

Builds a click

of Bosses who Ran the town

Wesley, Leland and Madame Gao

Had to bow

to the Kingpin of crime

at the time

He yells "The City Is mine"

then reclined In heat Hells Kitchen Flames

'Till the Daredevil


To fix the game

Shit done changed

Blood on the window frame

Matt Murdock fights you don't get restraint

Lawyer by day

There to engage

His best friends Foggy and Karen Page

Dare to play Legal he takes them all

Fights crime on both sides of the law

Puts Fisk in jail

Crime Is out here

But nothing scares Men Without Fear





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-Mister Ñato

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