MOokneto - Powerless (2016)
Actualizado: 21 mar 2021

Artista: MOokneto {ANTI-RAPPER}
Tema: Powerless
Álbum: Anti-Rap Chapter Three (Mookneto Was Right)
Año: 30 de Mayo de 2016
País: EE.UU
Género: Rap /Hip Hop
MAGNETO in a glass cell touched by rogue with no glove...
LOVE .PETER PARKER without the spider bite
SUPERMAN buried under 2 tons of KRYPTONITE
naw fellas MOOK ain't on shit tonight
just me and the wife candle light hugged tight to her bosom like a tike on a scary night
as i caress her head on my chest my shield weakens
my defense becomes less intense my strength decreases
in a feeble attempt to avoid humility
he musters just enough strength to mask his vulnerability
i fear his actions may be to late to be affective
must plot escape do not break prime directive
INFECTED now he's unable to find the exit
tapped out twice unable to break the death grip
HE-MAN without his sword or LIONO completely undeniable...
POWERLESS POWERLESS. like AQUAMAN in the desert try if you want she will appreciate the effort
i mean who doesn't want to hear a VICTORIAN secret
during the last dance of a vanglorious evening
like the HULK before he caught ray from GAMA
remind me of the time we caught THOR without his hammer
used to be a bad MAMMA JAMMA
now SHE is pulling the strings like the hands of SANTANA
the OLD MAN has no say so
He jovially responds to each and every EL NEGRO
POWERLESS like a country with out Nukes
Armies without troops
IRONMAN without his suit
POWERLESS imagine the death of a WonderTwin
or the extinction effect of an uncontrollable solar wind
Her spell is too strong
Poisonous perfume i've inhaled it to long.(coughing)