Monster Magnet - Negasonic Teenage Warhead (1995)
Actualizado: 20 mar 2022

Banda: Monster Magnet
Tema: Negasonic Teenage Warhead
Sencillo: Dopes to Infinity
Año: 1995
País: EE. UU
Género: Hard Rock / Stoner
Duración: 04:37
Negasonic Teenage Warhead (nombre real Ellie Phimister) es un personaje ficticio publicado Marvel Comics. Su primera aparción es en New X-Men #115 (agosto de 2001). El personaje fue creado por Grant Morrison y Frank Quitely.
Negasonic Teenage Warhead es un mutante que muestra poderes telepáticos y precognitivos, y es una estudiante de la clase de telepatía de Emma Frost.
Esta canción de Monster Magnet, fue la que inspiró a Grant Morrison para crear y bautizar al personaje.
El líder de la banda Dave Wyndorf, es fanático de los cómics, un devoto de la "Edad de Plata" cósmica de Marvel de finales de los 60 y su santa trinidad creativa: el escritor Stan Lee, el dibujante Steve Ditko y, sobre todo, las imponentes visiones cósmicas del artista de los Cuatro Fantásticos Jack Kirby. Wyndorf sigue coleccionando cómics hasta el día de hoy. Incluso administró una tienda de cómics a principios de los 80, "Fantasy Zone" en su ciudad natal de Red Bank (Nueva Jersey).
"Negasonic Teenage Warhead"
Saw your face last night on the tube
Strong fine snake in a sucker's vacuum
15 clicks and it's time to say bye
15 trips and a love that won't die
Me and myself killed a world today
Me and myself got a world to save
Broadcast dead revolution don't pay
Strapped up freaks on the Lazarus plane
I can tell just by the climate, and I can tell just by the style
I was born and raised on Venus and I may be here a while
Cause every supersonic jerk off who plugs into the game
Is just like every subatomic genius who just invented pain
I will deny you
I will deny you baby
I will deny you
I will deny you baby
I will deny you
I will deny you baby
I will deny you
I will deny you baby
Yeah yeah, yeah, wow
Oh baby, I'm lazy
Oh baby, introduce me to God
Oh baby, I'm lady
Oh baby, set a place for the dog, for the dog
Yeah, Oh
Shut me off 'cause I go crazy with this planet in my hands
Shut me off 'cause I go crazy with this planet in my hands
Shut me off 'cause I go crazy with this planet in my hands
Shut me off 'cause I go crazy with this planet in my hands
I can tell just by the climate, and I can tell just by the style
I was born and raised on Venus and I may be here a while
Cause every supersonic jerk off who plugs into the game
Is just like every subatomic genius who just invented pain
I will deny you
I will deny you baby
I will deny you
I will deny you baby
I will deny you
I will deny you baby
I will deny you
I will deny you baby
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, wow
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah