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Moe. - Captain America (2001)

Actualizado: 8 dic 2021

Banda: Moe.

Tema: Captain America

Álbum: Dither

Año: 2001

País: EE.UU (Buffalo, New York)

Género: Rock Alternativo / Rock Jam

Duración: 03:42


"Captain America"

Captain America said you gotta be like me

Or you're gonna wind up dead last

At the end of your rope

Flat broke

Down and tired

You sleepy head

Won't you go to bed

Let me run your life


Clark Kent ran for president

No one knew about the secrets locked in his head

Friends tried to take his life

Accusations flew

Flew like Kryptonite

Clark still looking good

What you gonna say

To make everything alright


May be right

May be wrong

I'm in the middle anyway

May be right

May be wrong

I'm in the middle anyway

Stuck in the middle anyway

Buckshot shooter

Had a realm of fun

With a smoking gun

Heard around the world

What a War of the Worlds

What a wonderful way to wage



Pay your fine

Do your time

Let me run your life


May be right

May be wrong

I'm in the middle anyway

May be right

May be wrong

I'm in the middle anyway

Stuck in the middle anyway

Right in the middle

Dead in the middle anyway

Captive America read I gotta be like you

With a bubble in your bed

Buzzing' your telephone

Like you're not at home

Home on the range

Bread and corn fed

Won't you got to bed

Let me run your life


May be right

May be wrong

I'm in the middle anyway

May be right

May be wrong

I'm in the middle anyway

May be right

May be wrong

I'm in the middle anyway

May be right

May be wrong

I'm in the middle anyway

Stuck in the middle

Right in the middle

Dead in the middle anyway





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