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Model Decoy - Metropolis Kid (2020)

Actualizado: 21 mar 2021

Tema: Metropolis Kid

EP: What does it take to be worl´s best think about it

Año: Marzo 27, 2020

País: EE.UU

Género: Disco / Funk

La canción cuenta sobre uno de los Superboy, el joven Kon-El, que lidia con su identidad kryptoniana.

Este Superboy era un clon de Superman. Fue presentado durante la saga El reinado de los Superhombres. Superboy se hacía llamar "Superman" por ser clon de este. Fue miembro estable de los Jóvenes Titanes y más tarde, de la Legión de Super Héroes.


"Metropolis Kid"

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I’m the Metropolis Kid

You already know what it is

The son was blessed with the gift

Can’t help but do it so big

I live in the shade of the greatest

To heed the call

One day my seat will be waiting

I'll save you all

But I don’t do this for press

No girl how dare you suggest

Then again you have to confess

You love that S on my chest

And you can try to deny that the Kid is so fly

I don’t need no x-ray vision to read your mind

I built a name, a reputation

I let the primary colors fade

I let my fists end my confrontations

And I don’t care what you say

I got buildings to leap

Worlds to break in my sleep

No more Smallville lessons

No need for keepin the peace

No no no capes darlin’ I

Shatter the rules and defy

I don’t need no x-ray vision to read your

I’m the Metropolis Kid

Jumpstart my alien heart

And put me into the plan

Perhaps they filled in the gaps

With a helix they don’t understand

Will I ever get the chance to be my own man?





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-Mister Ñato

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