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MF Doom - Hero vs. Villain "Epilogue" (1999)

Actualizado: 6 dic 2021

Artista: MF Doom

Tema: Hero vs. Villain (Epilogue)

Álbum: Operation Doomsday

Año: 1999

País: EE.UU (Long Island, New York)

Género: Hip Hop

Duración: 02:58

Daniel Dumile nació en el año 1971,en Londres, Inglaterra, hijo de una madre trinitense y padre zimbabuense. Su familia se mudó a Long Island, New York cuando era pequeño. Es un MC y productor estadounidense de Hip Hop nacido en el Reino Unido que ha tomado varios alias durante su carrera, de los cuales MF DOOM es el más conocido.

El tema pertenece al álbum Operation: Doomsday. El álbum debut presenta densos esquemas de rimas sobre pistas compuestas a partir de un collage de R&B, muestras de dibujos animados y música de ascensor. Está bordado con una variedad de muestras y fragmentos, que van desde la serie de dibujos animados de Hanna-Barbera Fantastic Four y Scooby-Doo hasta la película de hip-hop de 1982 Wildstyle y la banda inglesa de sophisti-pop Sade. Operation: Doomsday se entrega a una tranquila balada de tormenta que evoca una sensación de pérdida, expresando suaves bucles de jazz que aportan equilibrio a los paisajes sonoros apagados.

La pretensión del concepto detrás de Operation: Doomsday es homenajear al supervillano de Marvel Comics, Dr. Doom. Una serie de terribles reveses y tragedias, culminaron con el nacimiento de un personaje villano del hip-hop enmascarado que desea gobernar el mundo por su propio bien. Además, el álbum debut presenta parodias temáticas e interludios que continúan la narrativa del cómic comenzando en la pista de apertura hasta un monólogo hablado por E. Mason junto con apariciones especiales del colectivo Monsta Island Czars de MF Doom.


"Hero vs. Villain (Epilogue)"

And that ended Doom's plans for world destruction

And how did you manage to stop him?

Simple, I rearranged the circuits

Once he threw the switch

My ability to attack is faster than the cobra

Very helpful

And I will be certain, not to make the same mistakes as Doom

What's the hero, who's the villain?

Dead or livin' (Doom), killed or killin'

Who the fuck should remain chillin'?

(Doom) Webster says, Wicked and evil but yo who's Webster?

Nihilation and outcast, equals freedom that's so fast

Culture in chains, that be the rolls villain plays

All these are just metaphors, they describe symbols in folklore

But who knows why it's like this?

Hero? Hit or old miss? Maybe it's all good

Really of God, but who should, determine the real

Evil, what's the deal?

Fools rush in, they don't know the Yin, from the Yang

And are ashamed to deviate, or act sane

From the norm, they are slaves, forced to conform

To really find your essence, take this as a lesson

Break away from the rest of them

Get from the form ending, like the villain in the song (Doom)

Find truth, who determines wrong

From right, without a fistfight

Different from day than from night (Operation Doomsday)

It's just a simple play on words

Delete all these punks ass herbs

Who's the hero, what's the villain?

The question still remains chillin'

Listen to the music, try very hard to use it

Open up and research, and that's the end of this verse (so like)

But y'all niggas keep y'all minds open out there

So like fuck you, fuck the newspaper, fuck all that shit man

I'm leavin' (good evening)

Yo, why you want to be leaving man?

Man don't worry about that sucker, yo man listen

Yo, I'm not gonna finish my piece man, not with this lady around man

Yo, what the fuck is this shit man?

I don't like that shit man

I don't want no fuckin pictures taken of my shit man

Yo, relax

Nah man, that shit is fucked up man, that shit can get us busted over here man

Relax man it's for the paper

Nah, nah I'm not gonna relax, I'm gettin' the fuck out of here

Look, we got a car, she's got a car parked right over there man

Let's get the fuck out of here then

Well come on let's go then

Doom wears body armor

To conceal his own mangled form, right? (Yeah)

So like fuck you

Do yourself a favor, do yourself, trust me you wouldn't believe it

Compositores: Daniel Dumile Thompson / E. Mason





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