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Horse the Band - A Million Exploding Suns (2005)

Actualizado: 8 abr 2021

Tema: A Million Exploding Suns

Álbum: The Mechanical Hand

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2005

País: EE.UU (Lake Forest, California)

Género: Metalcore

El tema "A Million Exploding Suns" de Horse the Band, está dedicado a Sentry (El Vigía).

Sentry, Robert “Bob” Reynolds, es un superhéroe publicado por Marvel Comics. Su primera aparición fue en The Sentry #1 (septiembre de 2000), creado por Paul Jenkins y Jae Lee, con la colaboración de Rick Veitch en el arte conceptual.


"A Million Exploding Suns"

I've forgotten my name

I'm sick and weak and fresh from sleep

I crawl from a crooked bed

With dirty feet and shaky hands

The numbers on the clock read

1140 am

I've got time to clean myself

Then sell my soul again

When I sleep I dream

I dream I am awake

Or was it when awake

I dream I am asleep

I work I shit I eat I sleep

I'm inspected by the number seven

This can't be my life

No this isn't me

I don't know what's beset this change

I barely recognise my own face

In my mind something's just not right

But in my heart I'm bathed in golden liiiight

Bathed in golden light

Bathed in a golden light

My eyelids still heavy, my pulse still faint

I'm puzzle pieces, my memory's strained

I feel strength swell, a day dream

Is shaking under this duality

my pulse still faint

I hear a strange voice but don't know what it's saying

And in this moment

Second stop and I burst with clarity

A wealth of love and hate, gone blank

For I finally remember my fucking name

I eat rocks

And I breathe wind

I've been around the world

And back again

I've lost the static

And the gray is gone

I've got the power of

A million exploding suns

I am consumed by my might

Blinded in light as I would be in night

This void is holding me tight

It doesn't feel right

When will I ever break free

Within or without I'm chained by the dream

The void is holding me tight

It doesn't feel right

When will I ever break free

Within or without I'm chained by the dream

The void and light are both me

It doesn't feel right

Bright lights flood my eyes

It's true

Now I realise

The perilous truth

Of a perilous life

By my own device

The strength of my high

Is the strength of my low

Unless there's no me

They both

They both explode

Compositores: Arkenstone / Engstrom / Isen / Prophet / Winneke





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