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Hayd - Superhero (2019)

Actualizado: 8 abr 2021

Artista: Hayd

Tema. "Superhero"

Álbum: Superhero

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2019

País: EE.UU (Michigan)

Género: Balada Pop



Superman, will never save you

Spideman, will never catch you

The Flash, will never run to you

Like I would, when I was with you

You know, you've reaped what you have sown

You know, you're the reason you're alone

You said, I was your supehero

But sometimes superheroes cannot save everyone

Iron man, will never heal you

The Hulk, will never hold you

Another man, will never love you

Like I did, like I still do

You know, you've reaped what you have sown

You know, you're the reason you're alone

You said, I was your superhero

But sometimes superheroes cannot save everyone

I had to let go and watch you fall

And I could've saved you but you didn't want me to

So I let you go and I watched you fall

And I could've saved you but you didn't want me to

So I let you go and I watched you fall

And I could've saved you but you didn't want me to

You know, you've reaped what you have sown

You know, you're the reason you're alone

You said, I was your supehero

But sometimes superheroes cannot save everyone

Compositor: Hayden Hubers





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