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Ghoultown - Death of Jonah Hex (2000)

Actualizado: 8 abr 2021

Banda: Ghoultown

Tema: Death of Jonah Hex

Álbum: Tales from the Dead West

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2000

País: EE.UU (Texas)

Género: Cowpunk

La canción está dedicada a Jonah Woodson Hex, el antihéroe cazarrecompensas de DC Comics.

Desde 1999, Ghoultown ha entregado su marca única de rock con infusión de spaghetti-western en las tierras baldías musicales. Descrita como una "encrucijada inexplorada entre Johnny Cash y Rob Zombie".


"Death of Jonah Hex"

A dusty hollow drifter was lyin' in the bed

there was dirty water at your feet an angel at your head

there was devils on each side of you with bottles in their hands

the master of the double irons would no doubt soon be dead

it started with a dealer and a deck of fifty-one

lone star beer, cuervo gold, two killers and their guns

darkness was the witness it crept upon the town

you crossed some f**kin stranger with horns beneath his crown

no mortal could have beat you no fight you ever lost

but now they'll take you from this place and stick you in a box

at the death bed of Jonah hex we'll kneel and say a prayer

as the ghosts are rattling at the door and the devil's in the chair

you remember that foul evenin' when you heard the banshees moan

the lousy drunken bastards singin' billy in the bowl

they took you up to midnight mass and left you with a lurch

you dropped a quarter on the plate and your blood it filled the church

it must have been a bullet whose whose silver tip was honed

shoot right down into the heart and shatter every bone

at the death bed of Jonah hex we'll kneel and say a prayer

as the ghosts are rattling at the door and the devil's in the chair

up at the gates of heaven your voice it became a shout

they wouldn't give you service so you kicked the f**kin windows out

they shoved you back into the street they kicked you in the brains

sent you away to hell where they said you should remain

at the death bed of Jonah hex we'll kneel and say a prayer

as the ghosts are rattling at the door and the devil's in the chair

Support Jonah hex AND Ghoultown, both are fantastic! I own neither.





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