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Gary A. Mitchell - In Brightest Day (2010)

Actualizado: 21 mar 2021

Intérprete: Gary A. Mitchell

Tema: "In Brightest Day"

Año: 2010

País: EE.UU

Género: Balada Pop

Canción dedicada a GREEN LANTERN.

Brightest Day (El día más brillante) es una maxi-serie estrechamente vinculada a los Green Lanterns, de historias cruzadas, publicada por DC Comics en 2010. La historia sigue al final de la serie Blackest Night.

Gary A. Mitchell: "Soy un músico independiente y un gran fan de Green Lantern, y escribí una canción original en la que he trabajando para que los cineastas se fijen en mí. Con riffs de guitarra contundentes, un ritmo sólido como una roca y una energía estimulante, In Brightest Day es el himno de GREEN LANTERN perfecto, que exalta temas de coraje, perseverancia y fuerza de voluntad en medio de desafíos imposibles, perfecto para atraer tanto a los fanáticos como a los fanáticos de los cómics."


"In Brightest Day"

Soaring through the sky on the wings of my mind

I light up the sky

Blazing I’m one fire

Power is coursing through every cell, I’m alive

So raise the anthem, fly your colors

Until all the world has seen

There’s no room for cowards

When your uniform is green

Cause there’s no pretending and there’s no place to hide

See there’s no defending and no use asking why

There’s no room for error and no one else to blame

Be steady, this is your weight to carry

In brightest day

Fear won’t slow me down

I’m pushing through, we won’t be denied

Determined to live the truth

Hold it together, remember, you’ve made up your mind

So raise the anthem, fly your colors

And be who you’re called to be

Push past it and get over it

And find your shade of green

Cause there’s no pretending and there’s no place to hide

See there’s no defending and no use asking why

There’s no room for error and no one else to blame

Be steady, this is your weight to carry

In brightest…

Blinded by the light, gotta keep moving

We came for the fight, won’t stop for anything

There’s no compromise, we won’t roll over

Come the darkest hour, now at last beware my power

Cause there’s no pretending and there’s no place to hide

See there’s no defending and no use asking why

There’s no room for error and no one else to blame

Be steady, this is your weight to carry

In brightest day

Cause there’s no pretending and there’s no place to hide

See there’s no defending and no use asking why

There’s no room for error and no one else to blame

Not ever, finally it’s now or never

So I’ll be steady, this is my weight to carry

In brightest day





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