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Frenzy - From Hell (2019)

Actualizado: 21 mar 2021

Banda: Frenzy

Tema: From Hell

Álbum: Blind Justice

Año: 2019

País: España (Madrid)

Género: Heavy Metal / Speed Metal

From Hell (Desde el Infierno) es una novela gráfica realizada entre 1993 y 1997, con guión de Alan Moore y dibujos de Eddie Campbell, que especula acerca de la identidad y motivaciones del enigmático asesino Jack el Destripador.

FRENZY es una banda de Heavy Metal que se inspira generalmente en el mundo del cómic para componer sus temas.

Los miembros de FRENZY son amantes del arte secuencial y dejan una huella bien marcada de ello en sus letras.

Integran Frenzy:

Anthony Stephen - Voz

Víctor Díaz - Guitarras

Luis Pinedo - Guitarras

Angel Muñoz “Choco” - Bajo

David Ontanaya - Batería

*La versión de lujo de "Blind Justice" en vinilo, incluye las letras en 16 páginas realizadas en estilo cómic. Todas las ilustraciones originales de Mike Mora y el diseño de Javier Pastor.


"From Hell"

The people all know nothing

Stone Builders have our ways

Grand city, great big century

Won't let it go to waste

We’re building up your future

According to his plan

Powerful all-knowing master

Will always get his way

Decades of violent unrest

Lie right before you

Further and further you fall

Can you escape?

Look at yourself do you see

See what awaits?

Look all around you and see

From whence I've come

From Hell x3

From Hell

Only one way out of here

From Hell

Get deeper and deeper within

From Hell

Closer and closer to sin

From Hell

Controllers have grown weary

Abandoning their drive

Their gestures uninspiring

True principles belied

I come from deep in madness

I'll mutilate your mind

Real voice - ultimate darkness

I’m gonna take what's mine

Living as all of you live

Cannot continue

I will lead you to the end

Your sacrifice

This is the new age of fear

I'm here to start it

How could you think of an ending without your demise?

From Hell x3

From Hell

Only one way out of here

From Hell

Get deeper and deeper within

From Hell

Closer and closer to sin

From Hell

It will rain kidneys and blood

Ripped from your women

I will eat pieces of them

Before they die

Catch me if you think you can

I'll send my knife

You'll all come with me to the depths of what makes us mortal man

From Hell x3

From Hell

Only one way out of here

From Hell

Get deeper and deeper within

From Hell

Closer and closer to sin

From Hell

*Portada intervenida a modo ilustrativo por: Mr Ñato





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-Mister Ñato

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