Frenzy - Blind Justice (2019)
Actualizado: 23 mar 2021

Banda: Frenzy
Tema: Blind Justice
Álbum: Blind Justice
Año: 2019
País: España (Madrid)
Género: Heavy Metal / Speed Metal
El tema está dedicado a Daredevil (Matthew Michael "Matt" Murdock), superhéroe publicado por Marvel Comics. Daredevil fue creado por el escritor y editor Stan Lee y el artista Bill Everett, con una cantidad no especificada de aportes de Jack Kirby. El personaje apareció por primera vez en Daredevil #1 (abril de 1964) en la Edad de Plata de los cómics. La influencia del escritor y artista Frank Miller en el título a principios de la década de 1980 consolidó al personaje como una parte popular e influyente del Universo Marvel. Daredevil es comúnmente conocido con el apodo de "El hombre sin miedo".
FRENZY es una banda de Heavy Metal que se inspira generalmente en el mundo del cómic para componer sus temas.
Los miembros de FRENZY son amantes del arte secuencial y dejan huella de ella en sus letras: "Blind Justice" habla de Daredevil.
*La versión de lujo de "Blind Justice" en vinilo, incluye las letras en 16 páginas realizadas en estilo cómic. Todas las ilustraciones originales de Mike Mora y el diseño de Javier Pastor.
Integran Frenzy:
Anthony Stephen - Voz
Víctor Díaz - Guitarras
Luis Pinedo - Guitarras
Angel Muñoz “Choco” - Bajo
David Ontanaya - Batería
"Blind Justice"
Confusion delusion where had I gone wrong?
All that I'd worked for was going away
I'd never imagined it would be so long
Had I simply gone astray?
Criminal arrogance crooked and cruel
I had to know it was you
Attacking from shadows at times goes awry
The smell of your bombs testifies
The red devil strikes
Blind justice
The night makes things equal, you won't see him coming
He's back
With vengeance
All masks have fallen, you now have to face
The man without fear
Aimless attacks led me right to your trap
I must find myself -- persevere
It's not like me to simply jump in the ring
I need a plan now right here
In spite of all this, I'm alive on your trail
Your carelessness, truth unveiled
Reborn and resurgent I know I'll prevail
Your face is revealed, coffin nail
The red devil strikes
Blind justice
The night makes things equal, you won't see him coming
He's back
With vengeance
All masks have fallen, you now have to face
The man without fear
Confusion delusion how could I go wrong?
All that I've worked for has wasted away
I never imagined you would get so strong
the time has come, now you’ll pay
Criminal arrogance crooked and cruel
I always knew it was you
Attacking from shadows always goes awry
the smell of defeat testifies
The red devil strikes
Blind justice
The night makes things equal, you won't see him coming
He's back
With vengeance
All masks have fallen, you now have to face
The man without fear
*Portada intervenida a modo ilustrativo por: Mr Ñato