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Eden Green - Batman Song (2014)

Actualizado: 18 nov 2020

Artista: Eden Green

Tema: "Batman Song"

Álbum: Batman Song

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2014

País: Australia

Género: Balada Pop / Indie


"Batman Song"

I'm getting sick of being told I'm getting old

It's time to settle down

I don't need to be desperate for a ring

I'm just happy to be meCus' I'm still waiting, patiently and that's alright with me

I'll keep waiting, for the dream to become real for meNow don't be offended when

You set me up with your friend and I don't think he's a catch

There's plenty fish in the sea

And I'm just not what he needs

I want something that's built to lastAnd I'll keep waiting, patiently and that's alright with me

I'll keep waiting, for the dream to become real for me

Maybe he's busy, maybe he's sad

Maybe he's a joker, or maybe he's batman

Whatever be his story, however he came to be

I'll love him like my only he'll be the only one for me

He'll be the only one for me





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