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Dr. Awkward - Abyss (2013)

Actualizado: 21 mar 2021

Artista: Dr. Awkward

Tema: Abyss

Álbum: DC Comics: New 52 Mixtape (Vol. 1)

Año: 2013

País: EE.UU (San Diego, California)

Género: Rap / Hip Hop

Este tema está dedicado a Aquaman y forma parte del proyecto "New 52" del Dr. Awkward, donde cada canción está basada únicamente en los cómics reiniciados del universo DC: New 52.

The New 52 (Los Nuevos 52) es el reinicio de las historias publicadas por DC Comics en Septiembre de 2011. El nombre de New 52 se debe a que fueron renovadas 52 series; aunque más tarde se empezaron a publicar otras.​ Entre las series renumeradas se encuentran Action Comics y Detective Comics, que habían retenido sus números desde la década de 1930.




Underestimate me, that's a mistake

I really shouldn't have to say it

Underestimate me, that's a mistake

You could be the life I save

You make me want to walk away

Walk away, from it

Don't make me walk away

walk away, from it

-Verse 1-

Look I'm a king, does that mean something to you?

A hero to the people, yeah I know it's hard to do it

And it's getting harder every day , when people laugh right in your face

All the while you're urged to up and walk away

But what then? I bet they'd notice I was gone

When the order falls apart into alarm

All the result of this overwhelming ignorance

Maybe that's a fitting consequence

This life is lonely when they hate you

Taking you for granted as they underestimate you

I wasn't made for this

And if you knew what I resist, what dwells in the abyss

It's true they say that ignorance is bliss

And still I fight on, protecting those who loathe me

I wonder if they'll ever really know me

Stand for what is right without question

Let us let this be the lesson


-Verse 2-

I am too often rejected, Never been respected

Lately it's a struggle not to let my face reflect it

Born of two worlds, below and above

Two worlds who both reject my love

and still I stand for justice, dignity and peace

Every single day this is who I'm cursed to be

They question me below, Above it's getting hard to breathe

The only option left for me is leave

I often daydream that I'm gone, they loved me all along

But to leave the ones in need would just be wrong

But if I am to stay, I'll just end up enslaved

to a world I know I'm never to belong

And yet I fight on, defending those who loathe me

Accepting that they'll never really know me

Those that you should trust might be those you always question

Let us let this be the lesson



Don't make me walk away

Walk away (x3)


*Portada intervenida a modo ilustrativo por: Mr Ñato



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