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Daniel Johnston - Happy Time (1994)

Actualizado: 26 abr 2021

Artista: Daniel Johnston

Tema: Happy Time

Álbum: Fun


País: EE.UU (Sacramento, California)

Género: Indie Rock / Avant Pop

El músico y cantautor estadounidense Daniel Johnston, describe en esta canción grandes momentos de felicidad en su niñez y el enorme amor que siempre ha tenido por los comics.

Piano: Bobbie Nelson

Guitarra, teclados, sintetizador, voz: Daniel Johnston

Violonchelo: John Hagen

Tambores, pandereta: King Coffey

Bajo, batería, guitarra, mezclador, productor, pandereta: Paul Leary

Coros: Paul Leary

Violín: Regina Carter

Escritor: Daniel Dale Johnston


"Happy Time"

It must have been

It must have been

It must have been a happy time

It must have been

It must have been

It must have been a happy time

The sun would shine

The candy bars

Kool Aid flowing like wine

The comic books

The TV shows

The bubble gum

The kitty cat

I was a time traveller

Listening to the heavenly laughter

Laurie was always with me

Ever after for ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever

It must have been

It must have been

It must have been a happy time

It must have been

It must have been

It must have been a happy time

The picture drawing

The pretend heroes

My favorite was Captain America

The little girl

The flowers in the yard

The dog and cat

The welcome mat

God told me to go out

Singing my songs and what not

Led me to the hoy river baptism

Holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy

It must have been

It must have been

It must have been a happy time

It must have been

It must have been

It must have been a happy time

The GI Joes

The plastic monsters

My dad's model airplanes

Life magazines

The Bible stories

Kimba the Lion

The King Kong

I was a cosmic child walking the second mile

I had to defeat the aliens

Bloody battle, fight to the finish

Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight

It must have been

It must have been

It must have been a happy time

It must have been

It must have been

It must have been a happy time

Time, time, time, time, time





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-Mister Ñato

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