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Crisix - Spawn (2011)

Actualizado: 21 mar 2021

Artista: Crisix

Tema: Spawn

Álbum: The Menace

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2011

País: España (Igualada, Cataluña)

Género: Thrash Metal / Metalcore

Albert Francis "Al" Simmons es "Spawn", un antihéroe. El comic Spawn es publicado mensualmente por la compañía estadounidense Image Comics. Creado por Todd McFarlane. El personaje apareció por primera vez en Spawn #1 (mayo de 1992).

Al Simmons, agente de la CIA, fue conocido como un teniente coronel de etnia afro-americano, un soldado de élite del gobierno estadounidense. Su propio jefe, Jason Wynn, ordenó a Chapel, compañero y aprendiz de Simmons, que lo mate. Y no sólo lo mató, sino que lo quemó vivo. Simmons cayó al infierno, en donde pactó con el señor del octavo anillo del infierno, Malebolgia, en un intento desesperado por ver a su esposa por última vez. Sin notarlo, fue convertido así en un Hellspawn. Al Simmons trata hoy de conservar su humanidad.



Lied to, he was returned to life, the human world now is a weird place

Betrayed he was sent far beyond in hell

But the love for his darling took him back to earth

He never knew the conditions of that deal

What can you see

Only pain and misery

Must obey your master

Burning flesh for me

He is a hell-spawn, devil rejected, destined to command the

Troops in the Armageddon.

He is a hell-spawn, trying to escape, so far away

Tortured where the souls lie in sorrow he gave in

In order to carry out the evil purposes of a superior being

Now against his will he is tied

Chained to obey the evil wishes of those who cheated him

He is a hell-spawn, devil rejected, destined to command the

Troops in the Armageddon.

He is a hell-spawn, trying to escape, so far away, from the evil

Hands of Malebolgia

Once returned the ground the questions about his existence


The reason why he had been returned was still a mystery

What are these chains? What's this power?

I know this world but i don't know my own being

I want to get my love back

I want to get rid of them

I want to get my soul back

I want to win my war

I am violator

What the hell do you want of me?

You will be my bitch

Try it, fuckin' clown

Fuckin' clown

I want to get my love back

I want to get rid of them

I want to get my soul back

I want to win my war





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