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Cage - Planet Crusher (2009)

Actualizado: 8 abr 2021

Artista: Cage

Tema: "Planet Crusher"

Álbum: Science of Annihilation

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2009

País: EE.UU (San Diego, California)

Género: Power Metal

El tema está dedicado a Galactus "el devorador de mundos", personaje de Marvel Comics creado por Stan Lee y Jack Kirby.


"Planet Crusher"

Our peaceful world

Was ripe for the taking

Forgotten were the ways of war

His Herald and Harbinger came from the heavens

Saying you will be no more

He had no expression

Showed no emotion

His skin it gleamed like a pearl

There is no escape from my master he said

For he is the devourer of worlds

Devourer of worlds

All of our forces combined

Were useless against his assault

He swatted us down with effortless care

Bringing our world to a halt

Since the beginning of time

He has revenged through systems

And fed on the hearts of the stars

In the fabric of space

Lies his path of destruction

Littered with sorrow and scarred

One by one world after world

Galaxies tremble in fear

Horrible screams in the vacuum of space

Cries that no one will fear

Planet Crusher feed to survive

Planet Crusher none left alive

Devastator death from the sky

Your creator has left you to die

Devourer of worlds

Master of time master of space

Ravage your world and wipe out your race

Master of speed master of death

Fall to your knees

And take your last breath

Nothing can harm him

Nothing can stop him

Save the deprivation of food

He has no allegiance

Shows no alignment

Is neither evil nor good

His ambivalent anger is ruled by thirst

He speeds through wormholes and time

So look to the sky and pray to your god

Your homeworld won't be next in line

Planet crusher devourer of worlds





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