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Bill Callahan - The Ballad of the Hulk (2019)

Actualizado: 8 abr 2021

Artista: Bill Callahan

Tema: "The Ballad of the Hulk"

Álbum: Shepherd in a Sheepskin Vest

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2019

País: EE.UU (Silver Spring, Maryland)

Género: Balada Pop /Indie

La canción está dedicada específicamente a la serie de televisión del Increíble Hulk de finales de los 70, protagonizada por Bill Bixby como el Dr. David Banner y Lou Ferrigno como Hulk.

Live in KUTX Studio 1A (2019):


"The Ballad of the Hulk"

Well, I've been looking back

At the old ways

Over my shoulders

Like salt or sugar

Well, I'm just talking about the old days

Groundwork for footwork

Well, after this next song we'll be moving along

Out of this vein

It's called "The Ballad of the Hulk"

You know I used to share a tailor

With David Bruce Banner

That's the Hulk

Traveling jackets and traveling bags

Future rags

And shoes good for walking highways

But never quite far enough away

To see how good and easy it could be

If I just got angry

But I never got angry

Maybe I should have

I could have cleared some things away

In those old Bill Bixby days

A master of Reiki

Waved his hands over me

And said I eat too much steak

And hold on too long to ancient aches

And both are so hard

On my heart

Oh, I try to be a good person

I wonder if it's annoying

Or worth pursuing

And pursuing

And pursuing

Down highways

At the risk of the road





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