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Bardic Compass - The Sorrow of the Hero (2021)

Tema: The Sorrow of the Hero

EP: The Sorrow of the Hero

Año: 2021

País: EE.UU (Baltimore, Maryland)

Género: Pop Rock / Alternativo / Jazz and Pop

Duración: 08:36

Tema inspirado por cierto héroe lanzador de telarañas y su incapacidad para tener una infancia o realmente algo parecido a una vida normal. -Bardic Compass-

Bardic Compass, está integrado por:

Artem Bank: Voz principal, bajo, segunda guitarra, piano, percusión

Carl Hengen: Guitarra principal, guitarra rítmica

David Wilson: Batería, percusión

Dan Janis: Saxofón


Letras, ingeniería, mezcla, carátula del álbum - Artem Bank

Ingeniero asistente - Carl Hengen

Bardic Compass: The Sorrow of the Hero


"The Sorrow of the Hero"

What do you say to the boy

Who holds the weight of the world on his shoulders

What can you give, or take away

Didn't ask for his city's burden

Mary Jane

Tell me I can stay inside for a while

Aunt May

Tell me I can find my way out of the fire

What would he say

A hero doesn't back down from the flame

I promised on his grave

With great power comes great responsibility

Public menace! They outcry

Every camera flash screams tomorrow's front page villainy

Hide your identity

Keep the young face under mask, under lock and key

Mary Jane

Tell me I won't splinter like cheap wood

They need me, they say

Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good

What would he say

A hero doesn't back down from the flame

I promised on his grave

With great power comes great responsibility

Let me be a child for the night

The truth is I am scared all the time

Beneath the snark there is regret, sometimes I fight just to forget

Goodbye Harry, goodbye Gwen - I'm sorry for all I've done

Penance repaid, and in the end my day will come.

What would he say

I will never back down from the flame

I promised on his grave

With great power comes great responsibility





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-Mister Ñato

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