Bal-Sagoth - The Scourge Of The Fourth Celestial Host (1999)
Actualizado: 23 mar 2021

Banda: Bal-Sagoth
Tema: The Scourge Of The Fourth Celestial Host
Álbum: The Power Cosmic
Fecha de lanzamiento: 1999
País: Inglaterra
Géneros: Black Metal Sinfónico
Duración: 06:41
Este tema de la banda de Black Metal Sinfónico, extraído de su álbum "The Power Cosmic", está dedicado a Silver Surfer y nombra a muchos personajes de Marvel. Aparecen Los Celestiales, el Vigilante Uatu, la Guardia del Infinito (también nombra las Gemas del Infinito, tan ansiadas por Thanos) y el portador del martillo de Uru, que no es otro que el poderoso Thor.
El vocalista y letrista de Bal-Sagoth, Byron Roberts, escribió esta canción sobre el personaje de Marvel, Silver Surfer, porque el Surfer siempre ha sido uno de sus personajes de cómics favoritos de todos los tiempos.
"The Scourge of the Fourth Celestial Host"
They possess power unparalleled...
Ageless, remorseless. Without pity or conscience.
Manipulators of evolution on countless worlds.
Gods of the stars... The Celestial Host!
Zenn-La! (My homeworld, denied me by the whims of Galan of Taa!
I vow that another world shall not be taken from me while I live!)
I beseech thee, great ones... spare this insignificant planet... this earth.
Humankind, behold your creators... behold your destroyers.
Arishem, Exitar... Judge and executioner!
They who sow the fields of the stars...
They return to reap the evolution harvest.
Arishem, Exitar... Judge and executioner!
Time, space, soul, mind, reality, power...
I am the last scion of Zenn-La,
Never more to embrace Shalla-Bal.
I was born to soar beyond the stars...
And lo, the Exterminator,
The Destroyer of Worlds,
The Purifier of Galaxies...
The edge of oblivion beckons...
(the blood of countless billions stains these silvern hands...
But I must... I will endure!)
I am the protector of this world! I wield the Power Cosmic!
(Behold, from the Realm Eternal my ally speeds to lend his might
And the power of his Uru hammer to the fray!)
Arishem, Exitar... Judge and executioner.
I shall scatter your atoms to the four cosmic winds!
Time, space, soul, mind, reality, power.
Hail Arishem! Hail Exitar!
The Star-Gods have returned!
The vast sea of stars stretches into infinity before me...
I am the last scion of Zenn-La, Never more to embrace Shalla-Bal,
I was born to soar beyond the stars.