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Alpha Riff - Superhero Swag (2013)

Actualizado: 21 mar 2021

Artista: Alpha Riff

Tema: Superhero Swag

Álbum: From Beta To Alpha Riff

Año: 2013

País: EE.UU (Nueva Orleans)

Género: Rap


"Superhero Swag"

Verse 1:

Got that superhero swag back in the day

Hit my local comic shop Fair reads, fair play

Eye patch, black trench, got the stache on point

Ready to assemble blow the roof off this joint

Oh what's that, Avengers about to hit the deck well heck

Just call me Fury

If you ever cur-rious about the crew so bet

We shield the world from some heinous shit

World's greatest in this

Like the brother of a god, who puts shame to Zod

Oh shit, I might be crossing the streams

That's cool, makes no difference, Marvel / DC

I know some people got that Batman disease

Vigilante justice acting mild mannered see

Famous utili-belt, sidekick bird themed

Parents bit it hard, he's letting off some steam

Good in the movies, best actor hay themed


Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Justice League

A little X-Men thrown up your sleeve

What would it be like if we could be?

Sung: A Superhero.

Superhero swag, superhero swag, c'mon

Verse 2:

As kid, Man of Steel was abandoned

Draws strength from the sun

Luthor can't stand it

Got some diabolic plans

Red cape won't have it

Seemed the only way to stop him

Is a creature from his planet

Doesn't matter, in the end he gets a rebirth

Come back again, get the girl, save planet Earth

Saying goes great power has responsibility

And all that power in a man named Spidey

Web-slinging with the best of the best

Got a love for MJ, don't need a THC test

Guy's a photog, seems pretty narcissistic

Takes photos of himself, publish in the Gazette

My bad, that's the Bugle

Lemme write you a check

For the times, Pete Park straight published some pics

Guy never really liking his suit

Red, blue, black, white, it's still cool

Symbiote on his back, let venom through





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