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Adam WarRock - Marvelous (2015)

Actualizado: 21 mar 2021

Intérprete: Adam WarRock

Tema: Marvelous

Álbum: Single

Año: 2015

País: EE.UU

Género: Rap

El tema está dedicado a Ms. Marvel.

Carolas Susan Jane Danvers (Ms Marvel) es una superheroína publicada por Marvel Comics. Fue creada por el escritor Roy Thomas y el artista Gene Colan, Danvers apareció por primera vez como oficial de la Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos y colega del superhéroe Kree, Mar-Vell en Marvel Super-Heroes # 13 (marzo de 1968). Danvers más tarde se convirtió en la primera encarnación de Ms. Marvel en Ms. Marvel #1 (enero de 1977) después de que su ADN se fusionara con el de Mar-Vell durante una explosión, otorgándole poderes sobrehumanos. Debutando en la Edad de Plata de los Cómics, el personaje apareció en una serie homónima en la década de 1970 antes de ser asociada con los equipos de superhéroes de Los Vengadores y los X-Men. El personaje también ha sido conocido como Binaria, Warbird, y Capitana Marvel en varios puntos de su historia. Ella ha sido etiquetada como "la héroe femenina más grande de Marvel",​ y posiblemente "la Vengadora más poderosa de Marvel".



[Hook x 2]

Ayo I woke up just

Feeling marvelous

And then I went to school

Still feeling marvelous

And then I came home

Still feeling marvelous

Because you're a hero in

The way that Ms. Marvel is

[Verse 1]

So they may not understand your culture

Don't understand your religion

Don't understand your family

Don't understand the wisdom

So embiggen your hearts and never listen

To those whispers in the ears of what they're telling children

Because your family doesn't quite get it

All the stuff you're into

Every night it's comics, movies, sitting in your room

Just chatting with your friends on the internet

And a party, not if your homework ain't finished yet

But Kamala now I promise there's something bigger inside of you

Something that the other kids would never try to do

I know how it feels, I wouldn't lie to you

But some things you go through

I could never advise you

Look to good people, and good friends

Look there in yourself with the real and pretend

Because every single Avenger and every X-Men

That's what I did like way back when

All my heroes they were there for me

Kept me prepared for the world outside

All my posters on my wall they were a mirror

To the hero that I had inside, yeah

[Hook x 2]

[Verse 2]

That's right, whether black or white

Whether Christian or Atheist, Muslim or Jewish fight

For the side of good, we're neighbors in a neighborhood

[?] just passed every portal right to the other side

This one goes out to every comic fan

Whether Israeli, Pakistani, woman or man

Whether Asian, Indian, Hispanic, or American

This is my all-new universe don't say I can't

Create a better place for every person, hero and child

I was there at the wedding of Northstar and Kyle

Go ahead and talk about tradition

Don't get more traditional than Steve Rogers

And he fights by our side

And so Kamala I promise you

The hero in you

It's a marvel of wonder

All that you're gonna do

And I can't wait to see it

Can't wait to read it

Let that light shine

Don't keep it a secret

You got an army of people behind you

Who want heroes to reflect everything in real life too

Let their love and support surround you

I bet Carol Danvers would be so proud of you

[Hook x 2]





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