Adam WarRock - Magneto Was Right (2013)
Actualizado: 8 abr 2021

Artista: Adam WarRock
Tema: Magneto Was Right
Año: 2013
País: EE.UU
Género: Rap
Duración: 02:46
El tema está dedicado a Magneto (Max Eisenhardt o Erik Lehnsherr), un supervillano, antihéroe, que aparece en las historietas de los X-Men publicadas por Marvel Comics. Es el antagonista central en la colección X-Men. La primera aparición del personaje fue en Uncanny X-Men vol. 1 # 1 (septiembre de 1963), creado por el guionista Stan Lee y el dibujante Jack Kirby.
"Magneto Was Right"
That's right
You know I don't agree with you Charles
Come on
[Verse 1]
They say God loves
Man kills
But they don't know all the blood that spills
The family wiped out in Germany
Master of magnetism
Twisted the gates of Auschwitz
Escaped with some battle scars certainly
He looked upon a world
Where common man would turn on
His fellow man
So he stuck with his brethren
Sat on an asteroid
Acolytes bow to him
Because they knew
That Magnus had a better master plan
I'm all for peace, love, and understanding
Maybe if we didn't live on this hateful planet
Maybe I'd try to work with the other side
And not take it to the streets
If mankind didn't demand it
For every sentinel, every magistrate
Every legislative agenda passed in every state
They're coming for us
So we strike first and strike hard
I'd rather die as I am than be a fraud
So say it with me
Come on
If you're a mutant and you're proud
Magneto was right
If you're a mutant say it loud
Magneto was right
To all the scared little kids
Magneto was right
Don't let 'em treat ya like this
Magneto was right
Go ahead and let your powers shine
Magneto was right
Leave homo sapiens behind
Yo homo superior stands above man
See the blood on their hands and say
Never again
[Verse 2]
Hey yo
You don't know the pain until you realize
That the love of your life
Just can't accept you for your gene frame
Don't try to bide with their narrow minds
Mutant kind got a new agenda
That doesn't include the human race
I've seen their demons
Never heard their better angels
Every word that any say to you
Absurd and never will play me too
Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice, that's my burden
That's why I'm bending every steel girder
You call it murder
I call this retribution for the sins of every mutant
Herded into Neverland
You don't remember man?
So don't talk to me about better men
We're not men, we stand above man kind
Better remember then
No steel cage can hold me, homie
No bullet or gun or homing missile
Could even approach me
But the most powerful weapon
Is a mind that believes
And so I'm starting with the mutant youth
Take it to the streets
Signed Quentin Quire
Take that, teach
If you're a mutant and you're proud
Magneto was right
If you're a mutant say it loud
Magneto was right
To all the scared little kids
Magneto was right
Don't let 'em treat ya like this
Magneto was right
Go ahead and let your powers shine
Magneto was right
Leave homo sapiens behind
Yo homo superior stands above man
See the blood on their hands and say
Never again (never again)