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Adam WarRock - 28 (2012)

Actualizado: 26 abr 2021

Intérprete: Adam WarRock

Tema: 28

Álbum: Neo-Tokyo

Año: 2012

País: EE.UU

Género: Rap

Esta canción de Adam WarRock forma parte de su álbum conceptual de Akira, Neo-Tokyo.

Akira es el personaje titular de la historia, designado como el número "28". Akira era un niño que desarrolló habilidades psíquicas cuando servía de examen para el gobierno ESP en los años 80. Perdió el control de su poder y aniquiló Tokio en 1988. Después de aquel acontecimiento, Akira fue confinado y sujeto a pruebas de la ciencia moderna, que probó la incapacidad de demostrar el misterio. Su cuerpo fue colocado dentro de un compartimiento criogénico por debajo del Estadio Olímpico de Neo Tokio, para ser confiado al estudio de las generaciones futuras.

Akira es un manga de ciencia ficción post apocalíptico, de más de dos mil páginas escrito y dibujado por el mangaka Katsuhiro Otomo entre los años 1982 y 1990. Premiada con el Premio Kōdansha al mejor manga en 1984 en la categoría general. Es la base de la película homónima de animación japonesa.

Adam WarRock - 28:



[Verse 1]

And all I saw was flashes

And all I heard was crashes

And they said countries clashing

War erupted in the aftermath

And I felt nothing

Cause they trained me like that

So here I am; just a shell

With nothing left to react

Am I supposed to feel pain

Because the skies rain fire?

Am I supposed to feel said

Because there's tears in their eyes?

Am I supposed to care

Supposed to try

Supposed to run

Supposed to fight

I'm just a collection of organs

Pieces and insides

They told me, "Child, we have power unlimited

And we'll train you exercises in our military initiative."

But they couldn't control me

So they froze me in time

And now they whisper my name

Like it's a curse cause i was first

And caused the world to take notice

Atom bombs and a future left

Hopeless with an ocean left behind

In my wake because I used to have

A name and have a face

But now they call me twenty-eight

Yo now they now call me twenty-eight


Introduced to the empire

This is the meaning of true power

I'm just a boy and I don't know why I (why I)

I feel so empty inside (I feel so empty inside)

Welcome into the empire

Frozen here for a lifetime

I'm just a god and I don't know why I (why I)

I feel so empty inside (I feel so empty inside)

[Verse 2]

What's your name?

Let me whisper in your brain

Cause I've seen the pain you kept

And how you try to fight against

Now you're lashing out

And bashing all around you

Cause you can't

Keep emotions in control

With all this new power you have

I can teach you

If you come inside

Let me lead you

We can start a world

On the other side of the galaxy

Where no one can reach you

You'll find the secrets

On why god exists within us

And science and over-reaching

Akira, number twenty-eight

Pleased to meet ya

Good to see ya, number twenty-six

I'm glad they couldn't reach ya

And Kiyoko, why the long face?

Cause you see the future, don't you?

And Masaru heard your beacon

Now I'm here to help

So won't you tell our new friend

He's got nothing to fear so let go

And let his mind clear

And search his soul

For that warm place

I'll take you by the hand

I'm number twenty-eight

This is the beginning

This is just the end


Introduced to the empire

This is the meaning of true power

I'm just a boy and I don't know why I (why I)

I feel so empty inside (I feel so empty inside)

Welcome into the empire

Frozen here for a lifetime

I'm just a god and I don't know why I (why I)

I feel so empty inside (I feel so empty inside)

* La portada del disco fue intervenida a modo ilustrativo por: Mr Ñato





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